Amiga Format CD 22
Amiga Format AFCD22 (Jan 1998, Issue 106).iso
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Text File
219 lines
; Palette.gc by dck/J.Collett
; A full palette gui with many capabilities
; Press CONTROL-J to make it jump screens
winbig -1 -1 235 120 'Palette'
wintype 11110001
box 0 0 0 0 out icondrop
guiopen palette.gc
info palette palette.gc/5 ; get info on *our* platte
setvar type 'update'
gosub palette.gc update ; Subroutine
xonRMB ; on rmb we update to the color under mouse position
update palette.gc 5 $$mouse.color
gosub palette.gc update ; did not choose the color by clicking it
; ---- If Ram:Spr was created, delete it
ifexists FILE Ram:Spr.rexx
delete Ram:Spr.rexx
guiquit palette.gc
xpalette 10 5 225 30 ; This is the visible palette
gadid 5
gosub palette.gc $type
xHSlider 40 40 160 12 R pal.r 0 15 0 %2ld
;gadhelp "Set the intensity of the RED colour."
setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $pal.r $pal.g $pal.b
gadid 1
xHSlider 40 52 160 12 G pal.g 0 15 0 %2ld
;gadhelp "Set the intensity of the GREEN colour."
setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $pal.r $pal.g $pal.b
gadid 2
xHSlider 40 64 160 12 B pal.b 0 15 0 %2ld
;gadhelp "Set the intensity of the BLUE colour."
setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $pal.r $pal.g $pal.b
gadid 3
; --- routine to update sliders & get variables
xRoutine update
pal.r = $$color.r ; get new values Three colour values, the
; colour number, and the total number of colours.
pal.g = $$color.g
pal.b = $$color.b
pal.n = $$color.num
pal.t = $$color.total
pal.or = $pal.r ; store values for undo slider changes
pal.og = $pal.g ; original rgb values
pal.ob = $pal.b
update palette.gc 1 $pal.r ; Update gads 1, 2, 3
update palette.gc 2 $pal.g
update palette.gc 3 $pal.b
setwintitle palette.gc 'Palette color $pal.n of $pal.t'
; -----------> buttons to save/load etc palettes (saved as guis)
xbutton 10 85 70 14 Undo ; undo last changes
setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $pal.or $pal.og $pal.ob
gosub palette.gc update
; ---- Load a previously saved palette (i.e. a normal GUI with setcolors)
; ---- We *must* set the variable $pal.gui to the name of our gui
xbutton 80 85 70 14 Load..
;gadhelp "Load a previously saved palette setting gui."
pal.file = ''
ReqFile -1 -1 300 200 'Load Palette:' LOAD pal.file 'GUIs:tools/palette'
if $pal.file = ''
*pal.gui = palette.gc ; set pal.gui as a GLOBAL variable (old)
guiload $pal.file palette.gc ; load the gui (new - variable passed)
delvar *pal.gui ; delete pal.gui as we don't need it
update palette.gc 5 1 ; go back to color No 1
info palette palette.gc/5 ; get info on palette
gosub palette.gc update ; redraw the sliders etc
; ---- saving : make a loop and write a gui to set all colors
; variable pal.gui must (when loading) contain the name of the
; gui whose screen colors will be changed.
xbutton 150 85 70 14 Save..
;gadhelp "Save the palette as gui."
pal.file = ''
ReqFile -1 -1 300 200 'Save Palette:' SAVE pal.file ''
if $pal.file = ''
guiwindow palette.gc wait
setwintitle palette.gc 'Saving Palette...'
info palette palette.gc/5 ; make sure we're talcking about *our* palette
setvar .palette 'G4C\n\n;Palette\n\nxOnLoad gui\n'
pal.count = 0
while $pal.count < $pal.t
update palette.gc 5 $pal.count ; update the palette to next color
append env:.palette 'setcolor \$gui $pal.count $$color.r $$color.g $$color.b\n'
counter pal.count inc 1
extract pal.file file pal.filename
append env:.palette 'guiquit $pal.filename\n'
copy env:.palette $pal.file
delete env:.palette
guiwindow palette.gc resume
update palette.gc 5 1
info palette palette.gc/5
gosub palette.gc update
; ---- JC's additions below this line : Copy, Exchange, Spread
xbutton 10 100 70 14 Copy
setvar type 'copy'
xbutton 80 100 70 14 Exchange
setvar type 'exchange'
xbutton 150 100 70 14 Spread
setvar type 'spread'
; --- routine to copy values
xRoutine copy
pal.on = $pal.n ; Store existing colour number
pal.r = $$color.r ; get new values
pal.g = $$color.g
pal.b = $$color.b
pal.n = $$color.num
;Set new colour to old values
setcolor palette.gc $pal.n $pal.or $pal.og $pal.ob
setvar type 'update' ; Reset routine flag
; Update window title
setwintitle palette.gc 'Copied color $pal.on to $pal.n'
update palette.gc 5 $pal.n
gosub palette.gc update
; --- routine to exchange values
xRoutine exchange
pal.on = $pal.n ; Store existing colour number
pal.r = $$color.r ; get new values
pal.g = $$color.g
pal.b = $$color.b
pal.n = $$color.num
;Set each colour to other values
setcolor palette.gc $pal.n $pal.or $pal.og $pal.ob
setcolor palette.gc $pal.on $pal.r $pal.g $pal.b
setvar type 'update' ; Reset routine flag
; Update window title
setwintitle palette.gc 'Exchanged colors $pal.on and $pal.n'
update palette.gc 5 $pal.n
gosub palette.gc update
; --- routine to spread values
xRoutine spread
update palette.gc 5 $$color.num
setvar CStore "$pal.n "
appvar CStore "$$color.num "
appvar CStore "$pal.or "
appvar CStore "$pal.og "
appvar CStore "$pal.ob "
appvar CStore "$$color.r "
appvar CStore "$$color.g "
appvar CStore "$$color.b"
ifexists FILE Ram:Spr.rexx
; nop
gosub Palette.gc MakeRexx
rename env:.Spr Ram:Spr.rexx
run 'sys:rexxc/rx Ram:Spr.rexx $CStore'
setvar type 'update' ; Reset routine flag
gosub palette.gc update
; ---- Routine to create an ARexx program to do the spreading.
xroutine MakeRexx
setvar .Spr "/* */\n"
append Env:.Spr "parse arg col1 col2 r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2 \n"
append Env:.Spr "if col1 > col2 then do\n"
append Env:.Spr " n = col1 ; col1 = col2 ; col2 = n\n"
append Env:.Spr " rn = r1 ; r1 = r2 ; r2 = rn\n"
append Env:.Spr " gn = g1 ; g1 = g2 ; g2 = gn\n"
append Env:.Spr " bn = b1 ; b1 = b2 ; b2 = bn ; end\n"
append Env:.Spr "dif = col2 - col1 - 1\n"
append Env:.Spr "rds = max(r1,r2) - min(r1,r2) - 1\n"
append Env:.Spr "gds = max(g1,g2) - min(g1,g2) - 1\n"
append Env:.Spr "bds = max(b1,b2) - min(b1,b2) - 1\n"
append Env:.Spr "dr = sign(r2 - r1) ; dg = sign(g2 - g1)\n"
append Env:.Spr "db = sign(b2 - b1)\n"
append Env:.Spr "rbit = rds / dif * dr ; gbit = gds / dif * dg\n"
append Env:.Spr "bbit = bds / dif * db\n"
append Env:.Spr "do st = 1 to dif\n"
append Env:.Spr " r = r1 + trunc(st * rbit)\n"
append Env:.Spr " g = g1 + trunc(st * gbit)\n"
append Env:.Spr " b = b1 + trunc(st * bbit)\n"
append Env:.Spr " msg = col1 + st || ' ' r || ' ' || g || ' ' b\n"
append Env:.Spr " address 'Gui4Cli'\n"
append Env:.Spr " 'SetColor Palette.gc ' msg\n"
append Env:.Spr " address\n"
append Env:.Spr " end\n"
append Env:.Spr "exit\n"